Algebra 1

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Welcome to Algebra 1 and White Oak High School, if you are a freshman! This year we are going to study a lot about linear functions, quadratic functions, and a  little bit about exponential functions. We will also review much of what you learned in PreAlgebra, but at a quicker pace and at a higher level of difficulty. I hope to have some fun along the way too.
My class is flipped, which will make your learning easier. So bring lots of paper, pencils and graph paper and be ready to learn!

If you are absent, watch the lesson video(s) that you missed and do your WSQYT. Then go to Google Classroom to do the SQYT part of WSQYT.  There is a link on this page on the right. Look for the corresponding assignment that is posted on this blog. If you have questions, bring your WSQYT notes and your assignment with you to my classroom in the morning.

I expect you to have done your WSQYT by the time you return to class. If you were out for extracurricular activities, then school policy dictates that you to return with all assignments completed as well.

Don’t forget to turn in the assignment that was due on the day of your absence on the day of your return.

Remind 101: